Easy Ways to Avoid Getting a Speeding Ticket

If you’re wondering how you can avoid getting a speeding ticket you’ve come to the right place. In Washington, speeding infraction are covered by RCW 46.61.400. There are several different ways that you can minimize the chance that you will receive a speeding ticket. In this article, I’ll be talking about the ways that you can avoid initially getting the ticket not about the ways that you can beat a speeding ticket that you already have.

Figure Out What the Speed Limit Is

Method number one – This may be the most obvious one on this list – but I thought it deserved a mention. The answer is simply don’t speed or otherwise break the law. Of course! Easier said than done.

How can you be sure you are doing that? The reality is that many people are unaware that they may be going over the limit because they’re unaware of what the limit is or they’ve taken their eye off the speedometer or going with the speed of traffic and don’t realize that they are over the limit. A good way to avoid this problem is by using Google maps or another navigation service that displays the current speed limit. Although this method can lead to some misunderstandings especially where there are temporary changes in the speed limit due to roadwork or recent reorganizations of the roads or reassignment of speed limits or in zones where the speed limit changes for example school zones.

I looked at my phone (in a hands-free holder) just as I passed a speed limit sign and noticed that Google Maps changed the speed limit on display the moment I passed the sign. However, a few times I noticed that the display didn’t change over for another quarter of a mile. A word of warning, Google Maps didn’t recognize the changed speed limit displayed on the flashing signs as I came through Snoqualmie Pass or as I went around the JBLM construction area. So, although Google Maps can be very accurate, I wouldn’t rely on it 100%.

Know Where the Speed Traps Are

Method number two – you can avoid a speeding ticket by using services such as Waze which give you information about where police officers may be waiting and where they currently are. These applications can make you aware of common speed traps or where officers are set up to catch speeders but you should be careful of complacency since ways relies on its users to report that information and in areas where there are not many Waze users this information may be unreported therefore you could fall into a sense of complacency thinking that a police officer will not be present in a certain area and find that they are indeed waiting around the corner.

Use a Radar Detector

Method number three – you can use a police radar detector to recognize where an officer is operating a radar or lidar gun. These devices are not legal in every state so you must be aware of state law if you are using one of these devices. These devices can tell you where a police officer is using a radar or lidar device by reading the energy that these speed measuring devices emanate and giving you an indication that one maybe pointed in your direction or operating nearby. This can give you a warning to reduce your speed.

If you got a traffic ticket you may be able to get that ticket dismissed or reduced. A moving infraction is reported to the Department of Licensing – which means your insurance company can see it. This will lead to an increase in your insurance rates for several years. Getting a ticket reduced or dismissed may save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

How do I Avoid Getting a Speeding Violation?

  • Know what the law is by using technology.
  • Know where speed traps are.
  • Use a radar detector.
  • Slow down.
  • Drive a black car.

How do I Beat a Speeding Ticket?

  • Challenge the procedure
  • Challenge the speed measuring device reading
  • Challenge the allegations in the officer’s report
  • Subpoena the officer
  • Request the speed measuring device expert
  • Consult an attorney

If you want to contest a traffic ticket you can request a contested hearing. A judge will hear your case. A judge will hear the prosecutor’s case against you. The judge will then decide whether you committed the traffic infraction or not. 

It is possible to beat a traffic ticket in WA. There are a number of reason why a traffic ticket can get dismissed. The reasons vary on a case by case basis. Getting a “no insurance” ticket dismissed may require a different process than getting an “expired registration” ticket dismissed. While getting a ticket dismissed is great, avoiding getting a speeding ticket in the first place will ensure your insurance rates do not skyrocket.

If you get a speeding ticket, an HOV ticket, a work zone or construction zone ticket, no insurance ticket, speed too fast for conditions, cell phone ticket, school bus camera ticket, fail to obey traffic signal or traffic control device, or other infraction, you should contact an attorney to try to get that ticket off your record.

A traffic ticket is not a criminal offense.

You can get on a payment plan for a traffic ticket. In most cases you can pay that traffic ticket online.

How to Get Out of a Speeding Ticket?

  • Don’t be uncooperative but don’t make admissions about your speed
  • Take the case to court or have an attorney go to court for you.
  • You might be able to use a deferral or take a class in some cases