Expunging and Vacating Criminal Convictions

Expunging and Vacating Criminal Convictions


You don’t have to keep a criminal conviction on your record for ever. It is hard enough to search for work without disclosing a criminal conviction. You can vacate your criminal record or erase it. An attorney can help you erase your conviction to be able to tell future employers that it was never committed.

Washington law permits you to clear your criminal record by expunging or vacating your conviction if you meet certain criteria. A court can vacate a conviction by withdrawing your guilty plea, or reversing your guilty verdict. This information will be provided to law enforcement agencies for them to update their records. Employers can legally inform you that you have been cleared of any conviction.


As if you were never convicted in the first place


We can get the court to withdraw your guilty plea and guilty verdict, and then have your case dismissed. You can now claim that you have never been convicted of the crime under the law.This is the closest you can get to going back and not committing the crime in the first instance.These information are sent to the local law enforcement agencies, and eventually the National Crime Information Center database maintained by the FBI.

Our flat fee covers the entire case. We will make all court appearances on your behalf and ensure that you are completely free from any charges. We can handle all charges, even if there are multiple. We only need your signature to confirm the paperwork.


Checklist for Criminal History

Washington law allows you clean up your entire criminal record, even if there are multiple convictions. There are three types of domestic violence offenses: felony, misdemeanor, and felony.

You must be convicted of a misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or both.

You have not been convicted of any additional offenses or criminal charges since the original offense.

You have completed your sentence and paid all fees and fines.

Your sentence must have been completed within three years. Five year sentence for misdemeanor domestic abuse conviction.

You cannot have another conviction for domestic violence if the charge was for domestic violence.

A DUI or Physical Control conviction cannot be vacated.

The general standard for Class B and C Felony convictions is:

You have not been charged with any criminal offenses or convicted of another crime since your discharge.

RCW 9.94A.030 does not define the crime as a “violent crime”.

According to RCW 43.43.830, the crime was not “crime against persons”.

It was not a felony DUI, or Physical Control.

It was at most5YearsSince the date of discharge for a Class C felony;10 yearsFrom the date of discharge for a Class B felony.

A criminal conviction does not automatically erase your firearm rights. This requires you to go through a separate process.
Every person is unique, so contact us to get a free consultation and find out if we can help you clear your criminal record.

Expunging Juvenile Infractions

Washington law allows you to expunge a conviction for juvenile offenses and seal your record. An expungement allows you to clear your criminal record and erase any convictions. Multiple offenses can be expunged by the courts. We often are able to erase all records. Every case is unique, so contact us for a free consultation.

Get in touch with a criminal expungement attorney

Do not let your criminal record haunt you for the rest your life. There are ways to put your criminal history behind you and make a fresh start. We offer affordable solutions to clean up your record. We can make all court appearances on your behalf and ensure that all records are cleared with federal and local databases. To clear your criminal record, call us today.