How to Get an Expired Registration Ticket Dismissed

What is an Expired Registration Ticket?

A ticket for expired registration is typically issued where an individual has failed to renew their vehicle registration often called “vehicle tabs”. The Washington Department of Licensing requires an individual to pay a fee to register a vehicle before it can lawfully be driven on public roadways.

Many people make mistakes when they forget to renew their vehicle registration. In Washington, this is not considered a moving offense.  Because of this, expired registration is not reported to the Department of Licensing such that it would increase your insurance rates. Often, attorneys will make a deal for expired registration because it is not reported to the Department of Licensing by the court. It is considered “safe” to use for an amendment.

Contest Expired Registration Infraction

If you want to contest a traffic ticket you can request a contested hearing. A judge will hear your case. A judge will hear the prosecutor’s case against you. The judge will then decide whether you committed the traffic infraction or not. 

It is possible to beat a traffic ticket in WA. There are a number of reason why a traffic ticket can get dismissed. The reasons vary on a case by case basis. Getting a “no insurance” ticket dismissed may require a different process than getting an “expired registration” ticket dismissed. While getting a ticket dismissed is great, avoiding getting a speeding ticket in the first place will ensure your insurance rates do not skyrocket.

If you get a speeding ticket, an HOV ticket, a work zone or construction zone ticket, no insurance ticket, speed too fast for conditions, cell phone ticket, school bus camera ticket, fail to obey traffic signal or traffic control device, or other infraction, you should contact an attorney to try to get that ticket off your record.

A traffic ticket is not a criminal offense.

You can get on a payment plan for a traffic ticket. In most cases you can pay that traffic ticket online.

You May Have a Good Defense to an Expired Tabs / Expired Registration Ticket

If you received a ticket for expired registration, which is sometimes referred to as expired tabs, expired tabs less than 2 months, or expired tabs for more than 2 months, you may have a number of valid legal defenses. For clarity, expired tabs less than 2 months and expired tabs more than 2 months have substantially the same defenses. Expired tabs more than two months is also a non-moving offense although the fine is greater.

Did the Officer Look up the License Information Correctly?

As to possible defenses – First, The officer should be stating the basis on which they identified you, the basis by which they determined the tabs on the vehicle were expired, and they should be recording this information with some particularity in their report. In other words, the officer needs to write down all the facts needed to prove the case and the officer needs to write down where they got those facts from.

Did the Officer Correctly Identify the Individual Before Issuing the Infraction?

On more than one occasion I have encountered identification issues where officers have failed to properly identify people. This happens especially where people use another person’s name to avoid some outstanding responsibility they have to law enforcement or the court – for example, a warrant.

Did the Officer Properly Establish How They Knew the Registration Was Suspended?

The officer should be stating and recording how they determined that the registration was suspended. Although the prosecutor normally has this information available to them, they may have difficulty getting it into evidence if they don’t have certified copy defendants driving record.

Did the Officer and Prosecutor Follow Procedural Requirements?

There are a number of other procedural requirements that apply to all infraction cases that a good attorney would review when figuring out whether there is a valid defense to this ticket. If there is no valid defense after a thorough review, it MAY make sense to ask to mitigate this ticket. That does not have to be done by mail.

It is always advisable to consult an attorney because a traffic infraction may have a significant impact on a person’s life. For example, where someone is on probation, has a commercial driver’s license, has a motorcycle license, or has an intermediate license. Understanding what’s at risk is the most important thing when making a determination about what to do.

How to Beat a Traffic Ticket?

– Challenge the procedure
– Challenge the allegations in the officer’s report
– Subpoena the officer
– Consult an attorney

How do I Beat an Expired Registration Ticket?

– Challenge the procedure
– Challenge the allegations in the officer’s report
– Subpoena the officer
– Consult an attorney