Passing School Bus Ticket Lawyer Seattle

Defense against Speeding Tickets or Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone and other infractions in Lacey

Cops are handing out Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone tickets left and right. But you can get ahead of the game.You have limited time to respond to a ticket, also known as an infraction. You have a maximum of 15 days to respond. JGR Law Offices will represent you in your case. We will file a Notice to Appearance and handle your response to the Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone ticket. It is important to pay attention to the time limit of 15 days. The 15-day time limit applies regardless if you have counsel or are handling it yourself. Whether you were given a ticket in Lacey Municipal court or have a Lacey ticket in District Court, we can help.

What are the consequences of a Lacey ticket?

If you decide to defend yourself, it could result in time off work. Infraction calendars can often mean you spend hours in courtrooms waiting for your turn. Lacey court is no exception. It’s not uncommon to miss a significant portion of your workday waiting on a Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone ticket. Unpaid leave from work can mean you miss out on income and the possibility of paying for your ticket.If you contest the Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone ticket, and the court finds that you have committed the cited offense, you will be required to pay the entire amount. You can ask the court to lower the amount of your fine (mitigate) but you won’t be able to defend yourself. In mitigation, you agree the infraction occurred. The Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone ticket will be recorded on your record and your insurance rates are likely to rise.People with Commercial Driver’s Licenses (CDL) have more severe consequences and can result in your license being suspended.Be aware that your Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone ticket could also result in severe consequences, such as license suspension or Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO) status. It is possible that your initial ticket for leaving an accident scene is an infraction. However, if someone is later found to have been injured on the scene, this can lead to a criminal case. It is also important that your attorney review both cases if you have been cited for DUI (alcohol- or marijuana-related). Sometimes, an infraction ticket can be used as a pretextual stop to your DUI. This greatly affects the evidence collected during your DUI stop. The infraction ticket will be examined by your criminal defense attorney in conjunction with the discovery of your criminal charge.

What can an attorney do to make a difference?

Why get a Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone ticket lawyer?People often want to contest their Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone ticket, but don’t know how to present their side of the story. They don’t know how they can seek discovery, subpoena an officer, or cross-examine the officer. It can become overwhelming and time-consuming. Non-attorneys tend to focus on the wrong parts of most cases. It’s not about how you or the officer think about the ticket. It’s about whether the State or City can prove that you have violated the applicable statute. There are many aspects to analyze the strength of the State’s case, and most people who don’t know how to do so would be lost. It all comes down to personal experience.We have dealt with thousands of infractions. Our attorneys have a lot of experience. All of the guesswork and stress disappear when you hire an attorney from JGR Law Offices. You only need to call our office once and all the rest will be taken care of. You don’t have to miss a day of work. There are no worries about discovery. You can be confident in your Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone ticket defense. Don’t hesitate to call if you need a Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone ticket lawyer.We can handle all your concerns, including speeding, operating motor vehicles without insurance, no tabs or improper lane usage, negligent driving in the second degree, speeding under the conditions, negligence, failing to obey a traffic control signal, equipment violation (no mud flaps or broken taillights), skating, defective exhaust, tinted Windows, violation of restricted License, noise violation (speakers are too loud), talking on cell phones or using an electronic device, littering or failure to secure loads
If you want to contest a traffic ticket you can request a contested hearing. A judge will hear your case. A judge will hear the prosecutor’s case against you. The judge will then decide whether you committed the traffic infraction or not.It is possible to beat a traffic ticket in WA. There are a number of reason why a traffic ticket can get dismissed. The reasons vary on a case by case basis. Getting a “no insurance” ticket dismissed may require a different process than getting an “expired registration” ticket dismissed. While getting a ticket dismissed is great, avoiding getting a speeding ticket in the first place will ensure your insurance rates do not skyrocket.If you get a speeding ticket, an HOV ticket, a work zone or construction zone ticket, no insurance ticket, speed too fast for conditions, cell phone ticket, school bus camera ticket, fail to obey traffic signal or traffic control device, or other infraction, you should contact an attorney to try to get that ticket off your record.A Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone traffic ticket is not a criminal offense.You can get on a payment plan for a Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone traffic ticket. In most cases you can pay that traffic ticket online.